Библиографические ссылки
Danièlʹ, Ûlij. “Poslednee slovo Ûliâ Danièlâ”. Cena metafory, ili Prestuplenie i nakazanie Sinâvskogo i Danièlâ. Red. Ekaterina Velikanova. Moskva, Kniga, 1989.
Gercen, Aleksandr. Izbrannye sočineniâ. Moskva, Hudožestvennaâ literatura, 1987.
Hayward, Max. On trial. The Soviet state versus “Abram Tertz” and “Nikolai Arzhak”. New York, Harper & Row, 1967.
Henry, Peter, ed. Classics of Soviet satire. Vol. 1. London, Collet’s Publishers, 1972.
Przeworski, Adam. “The ‘East’ becomes the ‘South’? The ‘Autumn of the People’ and the future of Eastern Europe”. PS: Political Science and Politics, 24 (1), 1991, p. 20–24.