The article explores the peculiarities of the functioning and linguistic actualization of the proper names represented in the system of Lesia Ukrainka’s epistolary ethnic autostereotypes. The study has revealed the determinative role of the horonym Volyn and its derivatives волинський , волинська, волинське (volynskyi, volynska, volynske) in the formation of the system and regular use of Volyn astionyms Lutsk, Kovel, comonym Kolodyazhne and katoikonyms volyniaky / volyniaki, volynianochka / volynianka. The article focuses on the comparative analysis of the usage contexts of the nuclear oykonymic names of Volyn and the horonyms of other geographical territories of Ukraine and foreign states, in particular, Germany, Bulgaria and Georgia. The authors argue for the importance of using these names as elements of personal self-identification and a means of linguistic self-portraiture.
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