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connotative toponym

How to Cite

Bozhko, I. (2021). QUASITOPONYMS AND CONNOTATIVE TOPONYMS WITH THE MEANING OF PROVINCIALITY. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 9(1), 35–43. https://doi.org/10.14746/sup.2021.9.1.03


The article deals with names used to denote small and remote towns and villages. We distinguish two groups of such names: quasitoponyms and real connotative toponyms. Quasitoponyms are based on real toponyms, which they imitate structurally by the means of morphology. Semantically quasitoponyms often contain obscene components or, less frequently, they are etymologically connected to agricultural activity. Connotative toponyms often have similar features: they may contain components which convey pejorative meaning, or refer in their etymology to the notions of agricultural activity. Postmodern mixing of codes, realized in the form of a close textual proximity of a connotative toponym and a foreignism borrowed from English, serves to create a comical effect. The meaning of provinciality is conveyed by connotative toponyms mostly in certain contexts: from microcontext to a wide historical and social context.

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