The artistic concept of the Ukrainian cultural pantheon in the plays of Valeriy Herasymchuk
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national pantheon
biographical canon

How to Cite

Kaspich, H., & Polyarush, N. (2022). The artistic concept of the Ukrainian cultural pantheon in the plays of Valeriy Herasymchuk. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 10(1), 153–166.


The article is devoted to revealing the motive complex of the cycle Plays about the Great. Valeriy Herasymchuk works using different strategies of biographical drama, which he thus considers as a complicated and multilevel system. The course is interested in different models of modern dramatic biography, its formal and semantic components. The authors focus on the process of reformatting the Ukrainian cultural and historical canon. The personages of Andrei Sheptytskyi, the writer and screenwriter Oleksandr Dovzhenko, historian Dmytro Yavornytskyi, and the Russian writers Anton Chekhov and Illia Repin (who felt favourably toward Ukraine) all gained the attention of Valeriy Herasymchuk. Thus the playwright established a very important aim, namely using the images of Anton Chekhov and Illia Repin to return ethnical Ukrainians, who were possessed by imperial culture, back to the Ukrainian pantheon. The author reminds the Ukrainian reader/viewer that the national canon is not limited to well-known names, and encourages them to read and learn more about the past and national heroes.
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