migration; theology of migration; the Church; the principles of social life
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teologia migracji
zasady życia społecznego

How to Cite

Gocko, J. (2017). migration; theology of migration; the Church; the principles of social life. Teologia I Moralność, 12(1(21), 47–58. https://doi.org/10.14746/tim.2017.21.1.3


The article presents the essential elements of the theology of migration. It resembles piecing together the jigsaw puzzle (mosaic), which when put together, can become the normative foundation for the Christian migration ethics. Most of all the elements for that mosaic can be taken from the Bible, the Tradition, the whole of achievements of theological thought, the Church Magisterium, the catholic social teaching and from the content of Christian personalism. Each one of these sources delivers new aspects.

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