Responsibility for Others in the Context of Category ordo caritatis (Including the Problem of Migration)
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ordo caritatis
good Samaritan

How to Cite

Bartoszek, A. (2017). Responsibility for Others in the Context of Category ordo caritatis (Including the Problem of Migration). Teologia I Moralność, 12(1(21), 59–72.


The article analyzes, present in the Christian tradition from St. Augustine, category ordo caritatis. Presents it from a historical perspective and makes an attempt to show that it is current, as well as shows the possibility of referring it to problems of migration in the contemporary world. The article emphasizes that category ordo caritatis was invoked whenever it was necessary to answer the question: how and who we should help in a situation when we cannot help them all? The author argues that the category ordo caritatis is still current (in a spirit of the conciliar reform) and can be related to contemporary problems of migration. This category prevents from being driven in the process of helping by only emotions, recalls the need for rational actions and the need for logic and order.
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