Mass Media Instead of Psychologist. The Role of the Mass Media in Reducing Stress in Emergency Situations
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mass media
psychological well-being
coping with stress

How to Cite

Mydlarska, J. (2016). Mass Media Instead of Psychologist. The Role of the Mass Media in Reducing Stress in Emergency Situations. Teologia I Moralność, 11(1(19), 157–168.


The article emphasizes the role of mass media in preserving the psychological well-being of the threatening situations sufferers and participants. In about 70% of the participants of threatening situations such as accidents, catastrophes and disasters, the stress level reduces the ability of planning their actions or rational behaviour. Naturally appearing stress reactions, such as panic, sense of security reduction or uncoordinated actions can be mitigated through a reliable and systematic information through the mass media about the nature of the threat and ways to counteract. Lots of the participants of the disaster feel lost and helpless, and mostly need reliable information to enhance their survival strengths, increase the sense of security and sense of influence on the situation, and to facilitate finding their loved ones. And although the role of mass media as coping with stress helpers seems to be in contradiction with the main idea of mass media activity in Poland – the pursuit of sensation, we assist good examples and hope, that the awareness of this mass media important role will increase.
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