Sex Education as Education for Love. Constant Principle and New Challenges in the Light of Amoris laetitia 259-290
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sex education
education for love

How to Cite

Olczyk, M. (2018). Sex Education as Education for Love. Constant Principle and New Challenges in the Light of Amoris laetitia 259-290. Teologia I Moralność, 13(1(23), 125–139.


The issue of sexual education raises emotional discussions and polemics in the public space.
In the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia Pope Francis encourages an in-depth reflection on this issue in the light of the educational principles inspired by the wisdom of the Gospel. The author of this paper recalls the principle of the sexual education: affirmation of the dignity of the person and shaping responsible freedom through the formation of moral conscience and virtues, as well as the principle of restraint and chastity. They are essential and necessary for taking current challenges of education, including proper moral formation, banalisation of sexuality or gender ideology.
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Franciszek (2016), Posynodalna adhortacja apostolska Amoris laetitia, Kraków.

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