The Issue of Understanding the Moral Order in the Perspective of Mercy Recognized by a Well-formed Conscience in the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia
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Amoris laetitia
marriage and family
moral order
formation of conscience

How to Cite

Olszanowski, P. (2018). The Issue of Understanding the Moral Order in the Perspective of Mercy Recognized by a Well-formed Conscience in the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia. Teologia I Moralność, 13(1(23), 181–194.


The Church has never lost sight of its concern for well-being of marriage and the family in its teaching. This is a subject that has always occupied an important place in Church’s documents and has been the subject of a deep reflection. Pope Francis, in his recent apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia, also took a stance in this matter. His voice in the debate concerning the family is especially important today when the family is affected by the dynamics of deep cultural and social changes. Recognizing difficult situations which modern families often face, Pope Francis offers a look filled with merciful love, which has healing, soothing and elevating power. It is also worth noting that the document itself was signed during the Jubilee Year of Mercy. The presented perspective is deeply rooted in the mystery of mercy, also with reference to the understanding by married couples the question of the moral order and the application of certain moral norms.
The following article is an attempt of interpreting Pope Francis’ recent exhortation from the viewpoint of multi-faceted difficulties, with modern families and marriages in terms of norms and principles of morality. The key to understanding the papal document is the mystery of divine mercy. The healing touch of merciful love is an essential remedy that heals and cures the wounds of present-day marriages and families.
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Źródło podstawowe

Franciszek (2016), Adhortacja apostolska o miłości w rodzinie Amoris laetitia, „Acta Apostolicae Sedis” 108, s. 311-446.

Nauczanie soborowe

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Nauczanie papieskie

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