Baptism as a primordial consecration. On the origin of the universal vocation of Christians to sainthood.
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vocation to sainthood
Trinitarian formula

How to Cite

Wasiutyńska, K. (2015). Baptism as a primordial consecration. On the origin of the universal vocation of Christians to sainthood. Teologia I Moralność, 10(1(17), 7–25.


The article is dedicated to the Christian’s spirituality in the perspective of the sacrament of baptism understood as an immersion of a person in the life of the Triune God thanks to inserting him to the death and the resurrection of Christ. The Trinitarian formula guides to the communitarian dimension of the life of the baptized: in its vertical (Trinitarian) and horizontal (ecclesial) meaning. An exemplification of the established conciliar conception of the universal vocation of Christians to sainthood is I. Giordani’s original idea included in the recently published extracts from his book “Come in cielo così in terra”
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