Raising children in the biblical tradition
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children in the Bible
upbringing and education in the Bible
religious education
methods of education

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Szymik, S. (2020). Raising children in the biblical tradition. Teologia I Moralność, 14(2(26), 59–72. https://doi.org/10.14746/TIM.2019.26.2.5


The author of the study presents the issues of upbringing and education of Jewish children in the light of biblical data. In pursuing the objective, first, he discusses the environment of child education, which was primarily the multi-generational Israeli family and then the Jewish, but also partially its institutional form (schools) and mainly the synagogue in Christian times. In the next paragraph, the author pointed out the multiple methods of upbringing and education of children and young people, emphasizing the element of obedience and discipline constantly present in the biblical tradition (Proverbs 13:24; 22:15; 23:12 etc.). At the end of the article, the reader will find an overview of the main content of teaching and educating, of which religious education has a primary significance. According to the author, some elements of the biblical upbringing and education retain their permanent value, including the family as the primary environment for raising children, followed by a good example of the life of parents and other family members. There is also religious education of children, which significance the biblical authors point out repeatedly.

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