The family is the first school of humanity. This also applies to the family founded by the saintly spouses Ludwik and Zelia Martin, who had holy offspring, including Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus. This study introduces the issues of the family environment that brought up and gave the world people considered as an example of holiness for believers. We were looking for answers to the questions which family factors influenced the formation of mature personal attitudes and their social involvement; what universal and Christian educational principles contributed to success. We discover the mystery of family life on the basis of written sources, letters and diaries. From these accounts, a certain ideal of family life emerges, based on Christian educational principles: faith, diligence, honesty, authenticity of life, the ability to celebrate and show compassion. The Martins were pious and involved in Church and pro-social activities. Their life story has become a role model for others. They gave an example of a living faith. They maintained many ascetic practices that they tried to instill in their children. They valued diligence, but they had a distance to material goods, which they were able to generously share with others, showing the attitude of charity. The pattern given by spouses Martin and their family remains largely up to date.
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http://www.karmel.pl/hagiografi a/rodzice/index.php [dostęp: 11.01.2016].
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