Catholic doctrine and spirituality and the contemporary understanding of sexuality
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Christian anthropology
challenges of sex ethics
Catholic understanding sexuality

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Sawa, P. (2020). Catholic doctrine and spirituality and the contemporary understanding of sexuality. Teologia I Moralność, 14(2(26), 173–197.


A positive, Christian understanding is necessary in the discussion about human sexuality and sexual liberation. However, it cannot be limited to presenting the moral evaluation of sexual activities. A deep doctrinal foundation is needed. This should include: (1) gender identity based on the fact of creation, (2) physical and spiritual, earthly and eternal unity all being the realization of the Christological (incarnational) model. Accepting this attitude leads to the constructive response to the challenges of contemporary world. The claim of integration of all aspects of humanity and accepting the relation between corporeality and spirituality overcomes sexualization and reduction of sexuality to just the physical act, enslavement of the body and devaluation of sexuality and sexual activities and the suggestion that angelism could be an ideal of human maturity. The Christological model presumes harmony and integrity of each person.
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