The Polish Catholic Family and the Development of Civil Society. Notes on the Margin of the Report Family as Wealth (Good) for the Society.
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Polish family
civil society

How to Cite

Pryba, A. (2014). The Polish Catholic Family and the Development of Civil Society. Notes on the Margin of the Report Family as Wealth (Good) for the Society. Teologia I Moralność, 9(1(15), 37–50.


The starting point for the analysis of this article are sociological studies carried out by the Diocesan Pastoral Care of Families in Poland entitled : The Picture of Polish Family As a Social Institution in the Light of Empirical Research (2011-2012). The aim of this study was to answer the question: To what extent is the present family (good) wealth for a society?

First, there is an attempt to define the concept of family and civil society. Then, based on the material gathered from the research, the image of contemporary Polish family is shown.

It turned out that the Polish family is aware that it is wealth (good) to the public. It tries to turn in the development of civil society. An obstacle on the road, however, is the current government policy that is perceived by the surveyed families as not so much effective in contributing to the development of the country. These families do not believe in the effectiveness of self-organizing civil society based on the principle of subsidiarity.
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