Conscience Issues of a Catholic Pharmacist in Pharmacy Practice
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Catholic pharmacist
conscientious objection
cooperation in evil
Catholic moral theology

How to Cite

Prusak, M. (2013). Conscience Issues of a Catholic Pharmacist in Pharmacy Practice. Teologia I Moralność, 8(2(14), 35–49.


In modern society, many health care practitioners (including pharmacists) are called through the voice of conscience to defend the fundamental human right to life, as well as to protect the dignity of women. Christian pharmacists are forced to act against their personal beliefs, because to fulfill their obligation they have to distribute products which may influence the early stages of the developing human embryo by inhibiting its implantation in the uterus. Some pharmacists refuse to fill prescriptions for such products using the so called "conscience clause" even when there is a lack of legal protection. Often such difficult situations give rise to serious moral questions. Certainly,  Christian  pharmacists  can  help  moral  reflection,  but  the  theological  aspects of a pharmacist's conscientious objection have not been sufficiently studied yet. Therefore, the discussion of this matter is not only necessary but urgent. First, the medical, psychological, social, and spiritual implications of the use of ethically questionable products are underlined. Subsequently, a pharmacist's conscientious objections are considered in the context of the Catholic doctrine of cooperation in evil with particular reference to the evoking of scandal. Furthermore, the conflict between obeying God's law and human law is presented. The conscientious objection of pharmacists is not only a mere gesture but an outstanding act of great value. Objection is raised by conscience in those situations where human dignity and human life are at risk. The importance of the requirement of testimony to moral truth as well as a spiritual union with God, the ultimate goal of human existence, is also emphasized. Additionally, pharmacists as medical specialists, have a professional and ethical responsibility toward their patients for what they dispense to them.
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