Spiritual Wealth and Poverty of Priests in the Teaching of Pope Francis.
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careerist approach
pope Francis

How to Cite

Drożdż, A. (2013). Spiritual Wealth and Poverty of Priests in the Teaching of Pope Francis. Teologia I Moralność, 8(2(14), 163–180. https://doi.org/10.14746/tim.2013.14.2.11


The author of this paper analyses the main themes of morality and spirituality of contemporary priests, with special attention to the post-conciliar theology of priesthood of Pope   Francis.

Today there are many serious problems related to the material wealth of many people. This contributes to a specific culture of consumerism. The poor are not free from the spiritual and moral tensions of this culture, either. In the contemporary world they are the   majority.

Pope Francis rejects this so called "worldliness" in the lifestyle of priests. Once again he draws our attention to the highly original "option for the  poor".

In numerous addresses (there are over 70 of them) to priests and bishops, Pope Francis is very strict in his condemnation of "the careerist approach" within the Church. His style is almost prophetic in this respect.

He is also very critical about the lack of concern for the needs of the poor. He himself sets an example of a "simple" and "humble" life. Also, like in the case of a homily on priestly ordination, he gives numerous hagaliologic examples (Saint Francis of Assisi, blessed Mother Theresa, blessed John Paul II, Saint Father Pio). This entire message of Pope Francis builds up a "new" theology of priesthood confronted with the crises of this  world.

Wealth is a gift of God. God the Creator and Saviour knows best what man needs in his earthly pilgrimage. The biblical wise men were well aware of the "insignificance" of earthly goods. One of them prayed this way: "Two things I ask of you; deny them not for me before I die: Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty not riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, lest I be full, and deny you, and say „Who is the Lord?",or lest I be poor, and steal, and profane the name of my God" (Proverbs 30, 7-9).

The author of the paper reminds his readers that the theme of material and spiritual wealth can be found in hundreds and thousands of maxims. This goes on in every period of history, but since more of less the times of Adam Smith and his work On the Wealth of Nations a new period in the culture of the West seems to have been initiated: money - even against the intention of Smith - becomes indeed the Mammon of the West. Since almost the first day of the pontificate of Pope Francis, we can find in his teaching many "testimonials" and "references" to this "dramatic tension between wealth and poverty". These topics are the subject of the present paper.

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