Youth in the world of sexual objectification. A moral and pastoral challenge for the Church
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sex education
formation of conscience

How to Cite

Szczodry, M. (2020). Youth in the world of sexual objectification. A moral and pastoral challenge for the Church. Teologia I Moralność, 15(1(27), 51–64.


Sexuality is an important sphere of life that is particularly explored, learned and integrated in the context of one’s personality at the time of youth. Human sexuality, as the gift incorporated into the nature of creation, is good in itself and welcomed by the Maker. It is the task of the Church to present the beauty of this gift and demonstrate to the world the Christian vision of sexuality that does not limit or deprive a man of anything but brings out the best in himself, the most beautiful and valuable aspects. The article aims at asking the crucial questions about cultural, social and civilization-related context that gives the framework for the teaching of the Church. The image of contemporary generation of the Polish youth and their values was presented based on most recent sociological research. A selection of contemporary culture phenomena portraying objectified human sexuality was presented. The author outlined challenges that the Church is facing when it tries to enter the world of the youth, pointing out the things to be remembered in the moral and pastoral work.
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