Educational thought - about the seriousness of the theoretical socio-pedagogical findings
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research theory
explanatory capacity of a theory
pedagogy as a science
theoretical pedagogy

How to Cite

Cybal - Michalska, A. (2021). Educational thought - about the seriousness of the theoretical socio-pedagogical findings. Teologia I Moralność, 16(1(29), 9–23.


The author in the article poses questions regarding pedagogy as a research discipline turned towards the construction of theory – theoretical knowledge explaining the processes of upbringing. She emphasizes the fact that from the theoretical-cognitive perspective, cognitive practice and expectations of the exploratory value of statements formulated by the theory refer to the possibility of theoretical generalization and classification of the social world. Also they offer translation of theoretical theses into the ground of empirical cognition in order to verify them, as well as to explain phenomena through the identification of causal mechanisms and revealed processes. The exploratory capacity of a theory is determined by recognizing the size of the scope of reality to which the theory applies. Making pedagogy equal to other social sciences, it is impossible not to emphasize the additional value and peculiarity of theory construction in pedagogy, namely: the research theory constructed on the ground of pedagogy is not limited to the description and explanation of phenomena and processes, but it is directed towards anticipation of events, influence on their course and their usefulness for practice.
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