Universities in the face of work transformations and global educational culture From University Lifelong Learning (ULLL) to Lifelong Learning Universities (LLLU)
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functions of universities
lifelong learning
work transformation
technological development
digital economy
educational revolution
new educational reality

How to Cite

Solarczyk - Ambroziak, E. (2021). Universities in the face of work transformations and global educational culture From University Lifelong Learning (ULLL) to Lifelong Learning Universities (LLLU). Teologia I Moralność, 16(1(29), 43–59. https://doi.org/10.14746/TIM.2021.29.1.3


The article presents changes taking place at universities amid transformations of the modern world, such as changes in the area of work, the development of the digital economy and dynamic technological evolution that justify the necessity for lifelong learning. New technologies have revolutionised the way people work and learn, adapting their skills to new challenges, which indicates the change of educational reality. The trend of these transformations tends to be defined as the revolution of the education inscribed in the phenomenon of global educational culture. In the context of the above-mentioned changes, the significant role of the universities transferring the dogma of creativity from its research to educational mission is shown and emerging trends in this field are discussed, especially as regards universities as centres of lifelong learning. These changes were described as a process from University Lifelong Learning (ULLL) to Lifelong Learning Universities (LLLU).

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