In the article the author reflects on the question of applying the principle of benignitas pastoralis (pastoral gentleness), known since antiquity, in the work of a hospital chaplain, especially in the context of the problem of spiritual care of the patient. At the beginning of the article, the very concept of spiritual care is introduced, then the pastoral care based on pastoral gentleness is explained, and in the final part, attention is drawn to the implications of benignitas pastoralis in the work of the hospital chaplain in terms of spiritual care for the patient.
Many of the qualities of pastoral gentleness can be applied explicitly to the service of the chaplain in the hospital, especially its personalistic character, pedagogical value, therapeutic effect and evangelical strength. We already know with scientific certainty that a good spiritual care is in the best interest of the patient. It is becoming increasingly clear that to achieve this goal, it is necessary to approach the patient with empathy and respect, to talk to him and to learn about his needs, fears, dreams and hopes. As part of such care, the chaplain's attitude based on benignitas pastoralis seems to be necessary today.
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