In the face of a weakening role of the Church in social life (secularization), combined with the weakening of the faith of those who had accepted the Gospel, Pope John Paul II called on the community of believers in Jesus Christ to the new evangelization. The world is constantly changing at an increasing rate and new demands emerge, among which the so-called new atheism should be mentioned. Reviving atheism is the indisputable sign of the times and simultaneously the call for fulfillment of inalienable human yearnings. The Pope's call for a new evangelization, also undertaken by the current successor of St. Peter, proves though that in-depth reflection on the primary role of the Church is necessary. This article deals with the problem. The author assumes that if the work of evangelization is supposed to be effective, a demand of careful listening to what atheists have to say, their anxieties and yearnings is justified. The atheist thought follows two basic, very often interconnected though easily distinguishable themes that converge into one: the yearning for sense and the hope of definitive fulfillment. This paper tries to bring out and formulate them, and look at them in a new way from the perspective of the Gospel.
Fathers of the Second Vatican Council sought to engage in sincere dialogue with non-believers, recognized for centuries as people morally wrong and less valuable than the believers. This will was declared by Cardinal Henri de Lubac SJ who addressed the essential concern of atheistic humanism - a specifically understood cult of man. Atheism reveals the imperfections of believers: rigid conformism, slightly sweet sentimentality, intellectual laziness. Diligently conducted dialogue is supposed to stimulate a methodological effort of reflection on one's own faith and life, taking into consideration its inevitable effects: the necessity to confront and deal with not only arguments but also people who present them. It will frequently be an opportunity to deepen the virtue of humility, not to mention one's own faith, put to an acute test.
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