Between the Believers' lack of Faith and the Faith of Non-believers. The Complexity of the Moral Issue of Contemporary Atheism.
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lack of faith of believers
possibility of faith of non-believers
moral guilt

How to Cite

Glombik, K. (2013). Between the Believers’ lack of Faith and the Faith of Non-believers. The Complexity of the Moral Issue of Contemporary Atheism. Teologia I Moralność, 8(1(13), 51–68.


The phenomenon of atheism is the subject of numerous studies and publications, not only in sociology, anthropology and philosophy, but also in theology, especially fundamental and dogmatic. Traditionally, theoretical and practical atheism is distinguished. Theoretical atheism means the denial of the existence of God. Such atheism may be tolerant - when it has no missionary intentions, or militant - when it is understood as a science which should be disseminated for the happiness of mankind, and which is to combat all religions as a harmful confusion. Practical atheism, called indifference, occurs in the case of a life in which no noticeable consequences are drawn from the theoretical recognition of the existence of God. Nowadays, much is written about the so-called new atheism, within which an argumentative atheism has been distinguished, grounded on the questions to theism about arguments for the faith in God. Another type of atheism is cultural atheism, which is a multidimensional phenomenon, based on a criticism of Christianity expressed in the form of a non-discursive, contemporary hedonistic and consumerist culture, which makes it difficult for Christianity to gain influence. There is also denunciative atheism, which appears in various forms, and is based on the recognition of believers as stupid, immoral and pitiful. These general distinctions already confirm that there may be a situation in which someone declaring to be a believer, may practically deny the existence of God by his life and attitudes, and thus be an atheist. Therefore, the question arises whether there may be a situation in which a person, who declares to be an atheist, may practically have faith in  God?

Certainly, the modern phenomenon of atheism is complex, associated with, as in the past, different philosophical systems and worldviews, and it uses various rational reasons to justify its claims and beliefs. The explanation of the essence of atheism depends, to a great extent, on the precise notion of God that underlies it. The aim of the present paper is not to analyze the complex reasons, justifications and consequences of the contemporary phenomenon of atheism. The starting point of these divagations is the above mentioned distinction between the lack of faith of believers and the possibility of faith of non-believers, which clearly occurs in the contemporary discourse on atheism. The main goal is to show the tension existing between these attitudes towards God and the analysis of significant moral problems associated with it, that focus on the problem of human guilt and responsibility for one's attitude toward God. The ultimate object of the paper is to show a significant moral call, which appears in connection with the complex phenomenon of atheism, namely the attitude of dialogue between these two different approaches to faith in God.
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