Dilemmas of transhumanism I: biological-technological-cultural evolution and human enhancement
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technological revolution

How to Cite

Grabińska, T. (2022). Dilemmas of transhumanism I: biological-technological-cultural evolution and human enhancement. Teologia I Moralność, 17(1(31), 31–44. https://doi.org/10.14746/TIM.2022.31.1.3


The article presents biological, social and technological-cultural evolution and biological-technological and purely cultural evolution. The last two are accompanied by the ideology of transhumanism and their basis is the new integrated technologies used in the current fourth industrial revolution and the planned fifth. Transhumanism seems to be replacing the traditional humanities. It aims to affirm the technicisation of inorganic and biological structures, including the human being, first bionised, then cyborgised and finally virtualised. The natural and social environment is to be technicised. Ontic and ethical problems arising in the face of the symbiosis of natural and technical entities are pointed out.

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