Dilemmas of transhumanism II: transhumanist values and technological optimisation
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transhumanist values by Bostrom
human enhancement
GRIN technology
NCBI convergence

How to Cite

Grabińska, T. (2022). Dilemmas of transhumanism II: transhumanist values and technological optimisation. Teologia I Moralność, 17(1(31), 45–59. https://doi.org/10.14746/TIM.2022.31.1.4


The object of consideration is transhumanist values, formulated by Nick Bostrom, the realization of which is supposed to justify the dynamic process of technicization of the human living environment and its biological constitution. The return to Bostrom’s non-new proposal and its subsequent critical analysis allow us to learn more deeply about the goals of the ideology of transhumanism, which is beginning to replace the traditional humanities. The result of the analysis indicates the necessity of returning to the traditional system of ethical values and preserving in the evolving transhuman the human person. The article also takes a closer look at the state and possibilities of the new integrated GRIN technologies, whose introduction, largely guided by the laws of commerce, threatens the loss of man’s control over his own creation.

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