Culture-forming character of the heritage passed on by the family based on the Exhortations Familiaris consortio and Amoris laetitia


interpersonal communication
cultural message

How to Cite

Pieja, W. (2022). Culture-forming character of the heritage passed on by the family based on the Exhortations Familiaris consortio and Amoris laetitia. Teologia I Moralność, 17(1(31), 189–203.


By its vocation and heritage, family includes itself into the area it creates, that is culture. Family, being a social group, has many structural features, by which interpersonal communication by means of signs is performed in an easy, lasting and creative manner. Pope Francis stresses in his Amoris laetitia that the family is in a way a fundamental source of human and Christian culture. lt is a culture-forming institution. The most important condition is the one that the parents are aware that they transmit the culture of their na­tion, society and at the same time they can create their own family culture. This cultural heritage message is richer if the families participate in a wide scope of the culture of their society. Conditions such as spiritual climate, life stability, overcoming difficulties, participa­tion of both spouses in the marital life as a whole, bonds with befriended families, ability to celebrate or spend leisure time, openness to spiritual and supernatural values also play their roles in the process of socialisation.


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