The response of the Catholic Church to the problem of sexual abuse of minors by clergy in the years 1984-2022
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sexual abuse
vulnerable adults

How to Cite

Kobyliński, A. (2023). The response of the Catholic Church to the problem of sexual abuse of minors by clergy in the years 1984-2022. Teologia I Moralność, 17(2(32), 317–330.


In 2022, the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors became an integral part of the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith. In this way, the will of Pope Francis was expressed to emphasize the importance of these activities that make the Catholic Church a safe place for minors. The main purpose of the research undertaken in the article is to analyze the most important stages of the fight against sexual abuse by Catholic clergy in the years 1984-2022 and to present selected ethical and legal aspects of the drama of sexual abuse of children and adolescents.
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