“Making our way together” – discussion issues around the Synod on synodality
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synod on synodality
Vatican II

How to Cite

Bortkiewicz, P. (2022). “Making our way together” – discussion issues around the Synod on synodality. Teologia I Moralność, 17(2(32), 9–21. https://doi.org/10.14746/TIM.2022.32.2.1


The aim of this article is to present the current state of the synod's work on synodality and the analogies that exist between the reflections undertaken during the synod and the implementation of the achievements of the Second Vatican Council in the life of the universal Church and the local Churches. Therefore, an analysis of Cardinal Ratzinger's texts written in the era of post-conciliar change is undertaken. One of the central themes of both the 1960s and modern times is the issue of freedom and the democratisation of Church life. This leads to discussions related to the understanding of the opening of the Catholic Church to the world through universal brotherhood, the democratisation of the notion of the 'People of God' placed in opposition to the hierarchical structure of the Church, changes related to the understanding of hierarchy and offices in the Church.

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