Pastoral care in the face of assisted suicide
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assisted suicide
the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
accompanying the dying

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Orzeszyna, J. (2023). Pastoral care in the face of assisted suicide. Teologia I Moralność, 18(2(34), 69–84.


Not so long ago, just less than half a century ago, a Catholic funeral was denied to those who committed suicide. Today, however, in countries where euthanasia and especially so-called assisted suicide is legalised or tolerated, a whole new pastoral problem arises. Namely, it happens that people who choose assisted suicide ask at the same time for a priest to be present at their death. Some even ask for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick to be administered to them before they take the lethal substance.

The aim of this article is to highlight the issue of the pastoralist's attitude towards assisted suicide. First, the socio-cultural conditions favouring euthanasia will be introduced. Then, a distinction will be made between euthanasia and assisted suicide. Next, the position of the Catholic Church on the administration of the sacraments to persons who have decided to voluntarily shorten their lives will be presented. The conclusions of the analysis lead to a clarification of how accompanying persons contemplating assisted suicide by a chaplain is to be understood.
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