Family and faith, despite the rapid social changes taking place, are still, according to many studies, fundamental values in human life, at least in a declarative sense. During their meetings with inmates serving sentences in various prisons, popes John Paul II and Francis the themes of values, family, faith, the meaning of punishment and the possibilities of making the most of this time were taken up. Using the method of analysis and synthesis of the texts of these two popes, the article intends to show in what way they speak to prisoners, and in what way they show these values, as well as to assess whether these values have meaning in the way in which a sentence of imprisonment is served. In order to show the perception and understanding of these values by the inmates themselves, the author conducted a short survey among men serving a sentence of imprisonment, who were given the chance and opportunity to study family science at the Centre for Studies for Prisoners at the Remand Prison in Lublin. We are aware that this is a small research group (about 30 men are currently studying there), and that most of them (over 70%) participated in the study. The analysis of this research will allow us to see if and what place these values have in this particular social group, also in the context of papal teaching.
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