The aim of this article is to analyze the possibility of publicly expressing views in the media and maintaining mutual respect in communication, which is considered the foundation of democratic standards i country where limiting this fundamental right is an increasingly common practice. This applies both to the understanding of censorship itself and its application in public life. The chosen subject to study this issue is Turkey, which – despite constitutional guarantees of freedom of press – increasingly restricts and hinders the activities of the media.
Content analysis and case study were applied as the key research methods used in the study whichcovered the messages in the Turkish media regarding this growing phenomenon in the context of the events related to the failed coup of July 2016. This incdent lead to activities of the media being significantly hindered and journalists becoming the object of persecution on a huge scale.
The proposals provide a scientific assessment of the response to the legislation, which has sparked enormous opposition and controversy among Turkey’s opposition parties, international human rights institutions, and independent human rights advocacy organizations.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Klaudia Cymanow-Sosin, Krzysztof Młyczyński, Krzysztof Tenerowicz
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