Encounters of Married Couples as apath to grow for spouses – based on a review of selected literature and own research
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How to Cite

Stankiewicz, K., & Kochan, A. (2023). Encounters of Married Couples as apath to grow for spouses – based on a review of selected literature and own research. Teologia I Moralność, 18(2(34), 295–309. https://doi.org/10.14746/TIM.2023.34.2.19


Encounters of Married Couples, as a catholic association that offers retreat for marriages, has been supporting spouses for years and providing them with tools needed for effective marital communication based on the experience of cooperation with God’s grace that stems from the power of holy matrimony. The article presents the results of a study that focused on the meaning of the Encounters of Married Couples for the growth of spouses:both marital and individual.

The purpose of the research was to study this development in the context of spouses’ involvement in the catholic community. Retreat facilitators participated in the research. An open-ended in-depth interview method was used as part of a qualitative research strategy. The results of the research made it possible to formulate conclusions about the functioning of relationships and the development of spouses involved in the Encounters of Married Couples.

The research revealed the positive infl uence that practice of effective interpersonal communication has on the functioning and development of relationships. This practice must, in fact, involve openness, respect and acceptance of each other that grows out of understanding marriage according to the teaching of the Church. Another beneficial factor is the contact with other spouses and the possibility to share experiences of marital crises and ways of overcoming them. The results of the study allowed for new recommendations in the area of marital ministries.

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Encounters of Married Couples

catholic association


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