Mature or immature? Maturity of nupturients to enter into a sacramental union based on pilot studies in the Archdiocese of Poznan
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marriage well-being

How to Cite

Pilarczyk, H. (2023). Mature or immature? Maturity of nupturients to enter into a sacramental union based on pilot studies in the Archdiocese of Poznan. Teologia I Moralność, 18(2(34), 363–382.


The goal of the presented article entitled “Mature or immature? Maturity of nupturients for sacramental union on the basis of pilot studies in the Archdiocese of Poznan” was to present the results of research concerning the level of maturity of fiancées, with particular emphasis on the requirements for candidates preparing for sacramental marriage in the Catholic Church. The analytical-synthetic method of content, concerning maturity for marriage, was used to describe the condition of nupturients, and a survey was conducted among those participating in premarital catechesis in selected centers of the Archdiocese of Poznan. The text highlights various aspects of maturity, such as legal, physical, psychological and religious maturity. The analyses presented showed that most of the fiancées surveyed had a level of maturity that would allow them to enter into sacramental marriage, as required by canon law. At the same time, a large group of respondents showed large deficits in personal and religious maturity. The described situation can affect later marital relations and the quality of marital well-being. The presented text lays the groundwork for the development of the pastoral care of nupturients – it points out areas that require special attention on the part of pastors, such as developing the level of religious maturity, which can help fi ancées build strong and lasting marriages, based on sacramental values, and supporting them with the help of competent experts in the field of psychology and family life. The content of the article is an important contribution to the discussion of the maturity of fiancées for sacramental union and the role of the Catholic Church and pastors in shaping the level of maturity of fiancées.
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