The Historical and Theoretical Background of Veritatis Splendor

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Kampowski, S. (2024). The Historical and Theoretical Background of Veritatis Splendor. Teologia I Moralność, 19(1(35), 25–39.


Abstract: This paper examines the historical and theoretical background of Veritatis Splendor, John Paul II’s encyclical letter specifically devoted to fundamental moral theology. With the reforms of the Council of Trent, moral theology had taken a juridical turn, being understood primarily as a discipline for confessors. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the resulting manualist tradition was increasingly seen as inadequate, unable to speak to people’s lives. At the same time, the two world wars impetus the philosophical movement of existentialism. Through situation ethics, some tendencies of existentialist thought found their way into moral theology. Pius XII saw the need to respond to this development. The Second Vatican Council was regarded as an opportunity for a new presentation of moral theology that would overcome the limits of manualism and pay more attention to questions of conscience, the use of Scripture, and the emphasis on Christian discipleship. The Fathers rejected the draft originally prepared by a dedicated commission as inadequate, but they were unable to produce a new text. However, at least some issues of moral theology were discussed in other conciliar writings, notably Gaudium et spes and Optatam totius. The publication of Humanae vitae in 1968 proved to be a catalyst for some of the most difficult and central questions of fundamental moral theology, including the topic of intrinsically evil acts. In 1987, John Paul II finally announced that the Holy See would publish a document devoted to these issues. This text saw the light of day six years later and took the name Veritatis Splendor.


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