Moral challenges in spiritual assistance and confession of the Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs)
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moral challenges
spiritual development
spiritual assistance
sacrament of penance and reconciliation

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Pierzchała, M. (2024). Moral challenges in spiritual assistance and confession of the Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs). Teologia I Moralność, 19(1(35), 149–160.


Nowadays, there is more and more talk not only in psychology but also in social media or information campaigns about the so-called Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs). These persons often set ambitious goals for themselves, even though adaptation to new conditions often involves a flood of neurotic experiences. One of their goals is also to grow spiritually by experiencing the sacrament of penance and reconciliation, which opens up emotional conflicts and thus becomes a difficult matter. The scientific purpose of this article is to identify the specifi c challenges present in the internal fields discussed. To achieve the goal, analytical-synthetic and comparative methods were used. The conclusions indicate, among other things, the need for empathetic listening, prudence and a personalistic approach on the part of spiritual guides. On the part of penitents, one may distinguish the need to overcome themselves in the realm of trust and enter the process of permanent confession or accompaniment, which may help see in their vulnerability not only a difficulty but also a resource.
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