Artificial Intelligence as an Opportunity for Theology
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Mróz, M. (2024). Artificial Intelligence as an Opportunity for Theology. Teologia I Moralność, 19(1(35), 247–261.


This paper aims to show why and how the dynamic development of artificial intelligence can and should be of interest to theological disciplines. First, the author argues that technological artefacts that are part of the culture can be considered as new “sites” of human beings and, thus, theological sites. Reflecting on the algorithms created to mimic and replace intelligent human action leads to asking questions about the nature of man, his functioning and purpose. The author analyzes how this resonates with contemporary tasks and methods of theology. Next, the author examines the context of defining artificial intelligence and points out its implications. In the paper’s final part, the author analyzes how ethics, including ethics practised on the basis of theology, can contribute to shaping the development of artificial intelligence. The overall argument leads to the conclusion that theology, thanks to its unique perspective, can play a significant and positive role in the context of the phenomenon of artificial intelligence. This opens up new and creative opportunities for the theological disciplines to serve faith and culture.
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