The purpose of the research, the results of which as well as important conclusions and pastoral demands were included in the article, which was presented by the contemporary largefamily and their fulfillment of the Christian apostolate. The research problem was solved within the paradigm of analysis of pastoral theology. The article also includes a discussion of the dissertation, application methods and techniques, and characteristics of research group. The order was discussed in the description of issues regarding the intra-large family apostolate of teaching, the apostolate of sanctification and the apostolate of service, the apostolate in the parish, the apostolate at the supra-parish level, the apostolate in religious associations, the apostolate those families in the neighborhood, the apostolate in local environments and the apostolate in alternative communities. The article summarizes the conclusions and pastoral demands regarding the implementation of the apostolate of couples and children from “three plus” families. As shown by the research in the existing world by the large family apostolate, appears as an effective, alternative, joyful and full testimony of the presence of a large family and their vocation.
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