Repentance in the Contemporary Theological Reflection
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sacrament of reconciliation
internal renovation

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Glombik, K. J. (2015). Repentance in the Contemporary Theological Reflection. Teologia I Moralność, 10(2(18), 35–52.


It seems that reflection on repentance in the available studies about sacrament of penance fully draws issues of nature, meaning and characteristic features for this attitude of man, constitutive for conversion. This does not facilitate the presentation of the theological issues from the perspective of the contemporary reflection on repentance, especially if it is to be an attempt to show new aspects and not merely a repetition of known and present in the studies undertaken thoughts on the subject. It seems that on the basis of contemporary thought we can present some original aspects relating to understanding the essence and characteristics of repentance. These include anthropological basis for understanding grief, as well as three important aspects of theological act of contrition for sins, which include the prospect of love, salvation and solidarity.

Contemporary theological reflection on repentance, especially in the textbooks and studies about the art of confession concentrates on the presentation of definition, type, characteristics, the necessity and the obligation of this important act for the process of man's conversion. Often these thoughts are legal and they lack the depth of the theological explanation of the essence of repentance. To protect the experience of the sacrament of reconciliation against legalism and fruitless routine is worth to continue the reflection about nature of repentance and seek those aspects that allow for a deeper experience of sacramental penance and its fundamental act, that is repentance. The anthropological and theological aspects, presented in this article and present in the contemporary theological reflection are a starting point for the better way to experience this sacrament.
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