The paper takes up the issue of the connection between bioethics and theology. It shows how theological and dogmatic truths constitute the basis of reflection and decisions in bioethical cases. To begin with it brings up the issue of the bioethical problems in the Bible, presenting some excerpts of the Old and New Testament where we can find the reflection on human life and death (e.g. Ex 21: 12-32; Job 10: 8-12, Psalms, The Letters of St. Paul). The author postulates the necessity of an appropriate exegesis of biblical texts and their precise analysis from the linguistic point of view. Next he shows the contribution of the Fathers of the Church to resolving some bioethical issues, underlining Tertullian's outstanding reflections in the matter in his treaties „Apologetic" and „On the soul". Next he refers to dogmatic truths, particularly such as: the eternal act of generatio of the Son by the Father and incarnation of the Son of God. Then he reflects on the intuition of faith, using an example of the artificial womb to portray how that intuition supports the ethical analyses of the latest ethical problems in biomedicine. In the end he relates his considerations to the authority of the magisterium of the Church.References
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