The author of the article was inspired by the reflections of Primate Stefan Wyszyński on the identity and mission of the presbyter collected in A Letter to my Priests. The book takes up a range of themes integrated by an obvious concern for the unity of priests in the service of ecclesial communion. For the Primate of the Millennium man's social nature clearly confirms the truth about man's calling to live in community, not just the temporal one, but the supernatural one as well. This natural capacity to enter into relations with others, in order to be understood correctly, must be interpreted in the light of Divine Revelation. A rich inner life allows one to contemplate the mystery of the Holy Trinity and perceive it as a source of ecclesial and interpersonal communion. The gift of supernatural power inherent in communion with God in the Church enables those who believe in Christ to forge new fraternal relations, making them a true family of God. This process occurs thanks to priestly ministry, so presbyters are especially called to illuminate their mutual relations with this new style of community life. A personal bond with God, relation with the bishop ordinary, other presbyters and the lay faithful are the basic dimensions in which priests are to appear as the witnesses and servants of communion.References
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