Biblical Image of the Human Society as a Normative Model of Social Order
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social order
socio-moral life
human society
Divine Revelation
Jesus Christ
commandment of love
hierarchy of values

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Zabielski, J. (2011). Biblical Image of the Human Society as a Normative Model of Social Order. Teologia I Moralność, 6(2(10), 167–183.


Today we can often observe various forms of disturbance of social order. However, people seek ways of dealing with this problem. For Christians, Divine Revelation is a manifestation of God's will in this respect. The Bible shows that God made man the lord of the universe. People should obey God and build social order on this obedience. In the Old Testament social order was based on the union of Israel with God and on the Decalogue. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is the personal centre of human society whereas the commandment of love is the normative foundation of social order. This should be the grounding of unity among people and the unity of people with God. It is also a guaranty of lasting peace and stable social order.
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