Gender Ideology as a Real Threat to Marriage and Family
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gender studies
social and cultural sex
Simone de Beauvoir
free relationships

How to Cite

Pawłowicz, J. J. (2012). Gender Ideology as a Real Threat to Marriage and Family. Teologia I Moralność, 7(1(11), 139–154.


‘Gender’ is one of those dangerous and widespread ideologies today which fights against traditional family and maternity. According to this ideology, maternity and bringing up children are nothing else but a form of oppressing women. That is why contraception, abortion on demand and sexual debauchery are necessary conditions leading to women liberation. This ideology assumes that a human being is not born a man or a woman in a cultural sense. It is a given culture that creates labels ‘man’ and ‘woman’, thus determining human beings. The theory of gender views as social myths many feminine and masculine qualities stemming from biological differences. According to gender, polarization of the society between men and women leads up to chauvinism and misogyny. Gender, which has adopted ideas and assumptions of the feminist movement, has separated sexuality from procreation and this as a consequence has led to separating procreation and marriage. If those two spheres are separated, a straight way will be open to acknowledging the ‘rights’ of homosexuals to be married and have children (either through adoption or artificial insemination) and to establishing the so called ‘free relationships’ with no commitments or responsibilities. All these constitute a real threat to marriage and family in a traditional sense of the word
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