Sacramental Marriage Covenant
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conjugal love

How to Cite

Bohdanowicz, A. (2012). Sacramental Marriage Covenant. Teologia I Moralność, 7(2(12), 81–88.


According to the teaching of the Church, Christian marriage is a sacrament - spouses approach the covenant with God, offered in the Sacrament of Matrimony, who transforms their conjugal love in and through Christ in it. That is why since entering in marriage no other bond is as important for the spouses as the marital bond. Unity and irrevocability which originate from Christ’s love for his Church make every Catholic marriage a sign of this sacrament. The community of love which is formed in marriage is one of the deepest sources of happiness in human life. In such a perspective, marriage seems to be the best environment, conducive to fostering human love and bringing up the resultant offspring. Marriage also signifies collaboration in the salvation of the beloved, i.e. supernaturally transfigured conjugal love aims at the eternal welfare of the marital partner and is the way to sanctify each of the spouses.
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