An Ethical Analysis of Marriage Vows
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sacrament of matrimony
marriage vows

How to Cite

Bortkiewicz, P. W. (2012). An Ethical Analysis of Marriage Vows. Teologia I Moralność, 7(2(12), 89–102.


The article attempts an ethical analysis of the words of the marriage vows pronounced by the spouses in the liturgy of the sacrament of matrimony. The analysis is shown over against the words of the civil ceremony which is enriched with new content. A conscientious reading of the words of the marriage vows in Catholic liturgy allows us to discover the personalistic dimension of the human being and his/her love. It especially portrays the human being as called into existence through a free and personal gift of the Giver. It is an image of the human being as one who can fulfill oneself by offering oneself as a disinterested gift.
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