The reform of a process on the recognition of nullity of marriage, contained in the motu proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus of Pope Francis, clearly fits the new evangelization and it is, in relation to marriage and family, an important legal and pastoral element. Through the reform of canon marriage process the new evangelization gets even more power and a new spirit. It is also an expression of concern of the supreme legislator in the Church for spiritual good of divorced and remarried spouses who wish to regularize their marital status in the Church, and thus learn the truth about their marriage. They - as poor, or divorced - were put in the center of the reform of the process on the recognition of nullity of marriage. The Pope promulgating the new canonical procedural law relating to nullity of marriage follows the principle salus animarum suprema lex (can. 1572), which has always accompanied the Church and mainly into consideration salvation of souls. This important and fundamental principle of church law is implemented in specific regulations of the reformed process in which the faithful and their spiritual well-being seem to be paramount. The reform and new regulations of the Pope Francis go in this direction to simplify judicial procedures and thus speed up the processes on nullity of marriage, in order to serve the divorced and the remarried. The changes are also designed to facilitate contact between the faithful and church tribunals, which in turn is expected to contribute to solve a problem of conscience which makes life difficult for many people. As the Pope emphasizes, the changes introduced do not breach the principle of the indissolubility of marriage. On the contrary, this principle is juxtaposed with specific cases of invalid marriages. Conducting the process on nullity of marriage should take place in full respect of the nature of marriage, which is to respect the truth. The quest for it guarantees fair judgment, which becomes the realization of the law of love. The new rules, to bring the expected results, to meet its objectives, and to be introduced and applied in truth and justice, require a comprehensive, critical "consideratin" on the current functioning of the Church judiciary and openness to novelty they bring. Moreover, they need freedom of heart and mind of bishops, in a sign of collegiality - not in principle, but real, as well as new legal and pastoral structures (legal and family clinics), and also a change of mentality in the approach to the issues and problems of ecclesiastical judiciary system of diocesan bishops and employees of the Church judiciary.
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