Pope Francis from the beginning, showed fatherly care of marriage and family, especially those lost and wounded by different human failures and tragedies: infidelity, divorce and conflict. The first synods of his pontificate was dedicated to pastoral dimension of care for marriage and family. A similar character has exhortation Amoris laetitia. Pope calls to proclaim the Gospel of the family, that is a full and integral truth about marriage and family present in God's plan of human salvation. He calls for giving alive and joyful testimony of Christ's presence in the sacrament of marriage and family home, which is a small Church. In his pastoral recommendations he stresses the need to assist fiance and bride in preparation for their wedding, to accompany a newly married couple in the first years of marriage, to help in solving problems and reconciliation, which is the basis of a mature marriage. This exhortation manifests care for the divorced and remarried. The Church can not change its standards, nor can it give up its values and ideals. In this way, the Bishop of Rome begins a new era in the Church. This is the era of compassionate gaze and allegiance to Christ.
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