Life in the Family as a Chance to Full Participation in the Life of God
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state of life
fullness of life

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Hadryś, J. (2017). Life in the Family as a Chance to Full Participation in the Life of God. Teologia I Moralność, 11(2(20), 149–162.


The article presents the results of the analysis of Christian family life from the point of view of its role in the spouses’ striving for full participation in the life of God. First, the essential elements of participation in the life of God were pointed out, then the base and the specificity of the sanctification of the spouses in the family, also the motivations of personal sanctification and their participation in the threefold mission of Christ, and at the end the measures, practices, and attitudes helpful in the pursuit of full life of God through the life in the family were presented. The results of the conducted analysis are included at the end. It was found that there are three essential elements of the fullness of Christian life: a deep, personal relationship with Christ, caring for knowledge and fulfillment of God's will, and love of the Church. It has been shown that the spouses are obliged to strive for full participation in the divine life, mainly due to the obtained sacraments of baptism and marriage, and the specifics of their sanctification results from the life in the family, especially from the sacrament of marriage which determines their desire to participate fully in the life of God in the strict reference to the spouse. It was found that the very nature of the Christian spiritual life and the nature of family life imply the need to care for the sanctification of oneself and the spouse married sacramentally. The obligations arising from participation in the threefold mission of Christ: priestly, prophetic and kingly and their specific character in the family life have been highlighted. It has been shown that the spouses are called to undertake the religious and spiritual practices which are required by every baptized person, and because of the family life, among the particularly important attitudes or practices, ability of acceptance and forgiveness, patience, availability, servitude and humility have been mentioned.
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