NaProTechnology is an integrated and systematic system about treatment of marital infertility. It is based on an analysis of the transformations occurring in women’s bodies, where patients receive knowledge about fertility and analyze specific biomarkers. As a result, patients become equal partners in the process of assessment and treatment of their own cycles.NaProTechnology is also precise and consistent knowledge about family and marriage, of which indissolubility is an essential aspect, despite the difficulties of treatment, or its possible negative effect. SPICE index is an important part of NaProTechnology. The acronym comes from the English words: spiritual, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional. Work on each of these aspects is undertaken in cooperation with the instructor The starting point in discussiom about marital relationship is a definition of sexual contact, which is very wide. It consists of physical and mental structure of people involved in building the community. At the same time sexual contact can put the fertility of a man in the right place, improving essentially the quality of life. Sexual contact is made at all levels listed in the SPICE index, because all of these areas are united.
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