The Hermeneutic of Discontinuity and Pentecostalization. Contemporary Metamorphosis of the Christian Religion
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hermeneutic of discontinuity

How to Cite

Kobyliński, A. (2017). The Hermeneutic of Discontinuity and Pentecostalization. Contemporary Metamorphosis of the Christian Religion. Teologia I Moralność, 11(2(20), 245–261.


The main aim of this article is to analyze the contemporary metamorphosis of global Christianity. It seems that today the most important are the five following phenomena: secularization, desecularization, protestantization, pentecostalization and decentralization. In recent years there has been a breakdown of the paradigm of secularization. Many scientists today talk about desecularization and return of religion in a modified form. The deepest meaning of secularization is not a problem of the presence of religion in the public domain, but the question of the reinterpretation of religious truths and symbols. The great challenge today is a pentecostalization of Christianity around the world. The term pentecostalization refers to the exceptionally fast rise in the number of many types of strictly Pentecostal communities, and the gradual transformation of many other Christian churches and congregations into a single, universal type of charismatic Christianity around the globe.
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