May Church Service as a Manifestation of Marian Spirituality in the Teaching of St. Zygmunt Szczesny Felinski
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May devotion

How to Cite

Samsel, A. (2017). May Church Service as a Manifestation of Marian Spirituality in the Teaching of St. Zygmunt Szczesny Felinski. Teologia I Moralność, 11(2(20), 263–277.


St. Zygmunt Szczesny Felinski, archbishop of Warsaw in the years 1862-1863, is one of the greatest devotees of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He appreciated the importance of Marian devotion for moral renewal of humanity and propagated and popularized the May devotion in honour of the Virgin Mary. From his time the beautiful custom started - singing the Litany of Loreto in family houses, near field-chapels and roadside crosses.

In the initial stage of May devotion an important part of it was the word of God preached by a priest. According to Feliński, ministry of the word is an important way of sanctifying the faithful. Feliński often referred to the example of Mary, giving Her different names. This incessant praise of Mary, life with the name of Mary on the lips, was to lead the faithful to the heights of holiness. The May devotion was to take place with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Time spent in front of the Blessed Sacrament allowed to cling to Christ and grow in the life of God. It was an endless source of all graces.
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Źródła podstawowe:

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Nauczanie Kościoła

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Literatura przedmiotu

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