Proposals for the realization of pilgrimage pastoral care in periods between foot pilgrimages
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pastoral care
continual formation

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Żochowski, D. (2019). Proposals for the realization of pilgrimage pastoral care in periods between foot pilgrimages . Teologia Praktyczna, (20), 177–187.


From the beginning of Christianity, the practice of pilgrimaging to holy places has been an important factor of Christian spirituality. It expresses, among other things, the fact that all men are pilgrims in this world without a permanent and ultimate place here. The undertaking of pilgrimages was also connected with penitential practices, decisions of conversion and change of life. In the 1980s and 1990s there was a revival of the practice of pilgrimaging. Pastors soon realized that this one-time event should find a continuation in various pastoral initiatives realized in the period between pilgrimages. The present study is based on the experiences of pilgrimaging in the years at the turn of the 21st century and describes ways of a continual formation of pilgrims on the following planes: national, diocesan and the pilgrim group.
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